Seu carrinho está vazio no momento!
Time is a river that flows endlessly
Carrying memories and dreams along the way
But sometimes the current is too strong to fight
And we lose what we cherish in the night
Time is a healer that soothes our pain
Giving us hope and strength to start again
But sometimes the wounds are too deep to mend
And we wonder if we’ll ever smile again
Time is a teacher that shows us the truth
Teaching us lessons and wisdom in our youth
But sometimes the truth is too hard to bear
And we wish we could go back to when we didn’t care
Time is a friend that stays by our side
Sharing our joys and sorrows in this ride
But sometimes the friend becomes a foe
And we have to say goodbye before we’re ready to go
Time is a gift that we should treasure
Making the most of every moment and pleasure
But sometimes the gift is too short to last
And we regret all the things we didn’t do in the past
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